Sunday, March 13, 2011

OGT Week? Still Stressful!

To graduate from high school in Ohio, you have to pass the OGT, or Ohio Graduation Test. This test is given in five sections to sophomores all over the state. When you're a sophomore, you come into school regular time all five days- when you've passed the test, you're lucky enough to get a three hour late start all week. Luckily, I passed all five sections the first time- it isn't difficult- but this week is still hectic for me!

Choir large group district contest is Friday, which means I get out of school early, although our choirs don't perform until 6:30 and 8:00. This is my Friday night- Monday night, Tuesday night, and Thursday, I have practice. The 2nd Annual Spanish Club Talent Show is also Thursday night, with dress rehearsal Wednesday; I'll go to the dress rehearsal until church, which is at 7:00. So pretty much, Monday through Friday, the earliest I'll be getting home is 7:30.

The third nine weeks also ends Friday, which means there is tons of last-minute homework to do, with no time to do it. But somehow, I know it will all work out!!

Being super involved with things in and out of school can make life chaotic, but I love it. I know that high school is a phase that passes by quickly (I'm almost a senior!), so I'm going to take advantage of just about every opportunity that comes my way.

Who knows what the week will bring?

As for today, I woke up and went to church; during the service, I stay in the nursery and watch the little kids. When church is over, I go to Sunday school- my Sunday school teacher is FABULOUS and I love her! It was just the two of us today, so we got to talk about "girl" things. Usually, there are a few boys in my class, and we end up talking about wrestling, etc.

We had a snow day Friday- between Friday and Saturday, I made seven different dishes! Suffice it to say, I had plenty of food to share. So after Sunday school, I went to visit my Aunt Laura. My Aunt Laura lives down the road from me in our tiny little town- she definitely brightens it up! With a passion for both cooking and life, with a mouth to back it up, you will leave her house laughing and well-fed. I love her! So who else would I want to share my food with? I ended up visiting with her for about two hours.

After leaving Aunt Laura's, I picked up my best friend, Kasey, and we went to our G2. At our church, we have "generation groups", or G2's, which are all-girl or all-boy Bible studies. Our G2 is every other Sunday at Starbucks, and we always have great discussions. Nothing- nothing- beats a grande caramel Frappucino with a side of Jesus!

My fun ended there- after leaving Starbucks, I came home and did homework. But everything has its time and place. Now I just have to make it through next week!

Thank you for reading my blog- Jesus loooooves you!! =D

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