Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's Almost Hump Day..

Today is becoming quite stressful- I took a government test, went to Sheetz with Kasey, and went to choir for two hours. Not to complain, but I'm in a bad mood, so I'm going to complain: it always seems like my life is revolving around choir. Or revolving around student council. Or revolving around school, five subjects over. One of those five subjects being choir, which starts the cycle over..


For physics, we've been studying electricity and circuits, etc. So now, our teacher comes up with the brilliant idea of jumping from introductory notes to building our own miniature houses, which we wire individually. Of course, this little project is due a few days after it's assigned, amidst everything else going on in everyone else's lives. Ugh.

So my night was spent trying to make sense of what this project was intended to entail.. notable progress was made, but it isn't good enough. It's not done yet, and I don't have the time for each thing that I should. Everyone wants something else from me; there is not enough Leah or hours in my day to go around :[

So amidst all of this I am trying my darndest to keep my head up, trust Jesus to take care of what I can't (which is pretty much everything), and take life a day at a time.

I've found that blogging is quite therapeutic, and I don't care if nobody reads it or a million people read it. Blogging helps me and I'm glad I made a blog!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Philippians 4:6

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