Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

It's Thursday night! I thought this week would never end, but I am so close that I can feel it- things are definitely looking up.

I worked on my physics project for a few hours Tuesday night, and finished it in study hall on Wednesday. Although it seemed to take forever, and there was a lot of work to completing my little house, seeing something that I had created WORK was an amazing feeling!!

On Wednesday night, I went to church with Kasey and Desra. I loooooove church! I love love love my church SO much- everyone there is so genuine and sweet, and Jesus is definitely alive there. Kasey and I made the decision to become members of the church, and our first membership class is on April 2. We're excited!

After I got home from church, I made (frozen) cookies while doing my government outlines. Since the talent show was tonight, I had to bring something for the bake sale, and that was Leah's only available time slot. Balancing what I need to do for school with what others want me to do for extracurriculars can be a challenge, but ultimately, it gets done.

Today was amazing! Finally, spring weather!!! I ALMOST didn't recognize the sun, but it was so exciting when I walked outside and the sunshine was not deceptive: no chilly wind, nothing. It was the first OFFICIAL sunroof day. Yay!

After school, I went to the eye doctor. When that was over, I decided to go on an "adventure". I'm easily entertained. And as an only child, I don't mind doing things by myself. So I went the "wrong way" and happened to find this AMAZING store! Everything was so cheap- it was like Walmart and Dollar General combined. Fabulous.

Then, I discovered Chipotle for the first time since middle school. I'd never really liked it before, but ohhh myy goodness. Suffice it to say, I am in love.

After engaging in my small piece of heaven, I went to choir practice.. then to our school's annual talent show.. it was so much fun! Now it's back to homework and reality.

It's almost friday!

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