Sunday, March 27, 2011

Another Day of Procrastination

After waking up and taking a shower this morning, I went to my Sunday school class.. I love my Sunday school teacher! Since the student council is doing an MS walk next month, we have decided to do a soup and bake sale fundraiser. This is just another commitment to add to my neverending list of things I need to do! I'm not complaining; I'm so grateful that people are generous and willing to help a cause that means so much to my family. My mom is in a nursing home as a result of her Multiple Sclerosis, and seeing her struggles makes me want to do everything in my power to help.

I went to Chipotle (love!) with Kasey and her cousin, then we went to Bible study at Starbucks.. after I came home, I started cooking. I guess it's to be expected! I made whole wheat banana bread, then for dinner, I made baked spaghetti with garlic cheese biscuits and salad.

Dinner! Yum!

While I am in the kitchen, I am inadvertently avoiding my homework.. oh well. Tomorrow is another day!

"But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love."
1 John 4:8

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