Monday, March 14, 2011

My Favorite Thing Monday!

This week is off to a pretty good start! In my first class, I took a test that I'm pretty sure I did well on; then I sat in the library with my friends for two hours. After that, I went to my English class.. then Kasey and I went to Sheetz- we hung out at her house until I went to choir. Two and a half hours of choir later, I am relaxing at home!

The day goes by quickly when you wake up at 9:00. But I am most certainly not complaining. :]

Anyways, the title suggests that this post will be about one of my favorite things. A lot of other blogs do super cute stuff that corresponds with the days of the week, and I'm new at this, so I guess I'll just give into peer pressure and try it out!

My very first official favorite thing is... MY BIBLE!

I LOVE my Bible- where I go, my Bible goes (well.. everywhere but the shower). Maybe that's kind of weird, but Jesus likes it and that's all that matters! Haha. But in all seriousness, this Book is fabulous; when I don't have the answer, God does. When I don't know how to react to a situation, God helps me through. When I don't know how to live my life, God tells me through the Bible HOW to live so that I can live a life as full of His blessings as possible.

Seems to me like a pretty good deal!

If you were to flip through the pages of my Bible, you would find passages underlined, as well as various papers or cards that I use as bookmarks. I am honestly content with just reading my Bible, and learning new things about God- and since I'm created in His image, I learn more about myself! I can live a teenager's life free from identity crisis or "trying to find myself", considering how I "once was lost but now I'm found".

Because of my "favorite thing", life is goooood. And it always will be.. even when it's not easy. :]

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