Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello, Blog World!

This is my very first blog entry. It's exciting, but sort of scary at the same time.

My name is Leah.. I like to do a lot of stuff. And sadly, after years of advanced and now AP English classes, I don't really know how else to put it! The most important thing in my life is my relationship with God- I am a Christian, and I try to make sure that people know that about me first and foremost. Jesus is AMAZING! As a result of this, I read my Bible every day, I go to church, I go to Bible study, I watch TBN, etc. Not out of routine, but because I genuinely want to. My life has definitely not always been this way; because I've been through hard times, I can really be grateful for the not-so-hard times.

Just had to testify for a minute.

I LOVE to cook, I am in love with Paula Deen. If I ever met Paula Deen, I would cry uncontrollably. I love the Duggar family!! Towards the end of my freshman year, my friend Nichole and I met Jim Bob, Michelle, Josh, and Anna. They are all so sweet and genuine!

At school, I am President of our Student Council.. we plan two homecomings a year, and that's pretty much it. However, we're trying to do more this school year, and we have volunteered. Once. It's a start! We are also doing an MS Walk on April 30th. I am a member of Spanish Club, Ecology Club, Pep Club (during football season), and choir.

I love singing! At school, I am in our A Cappella Choir and Ladies Choir. Lately, we've been having practice a few times a week, since we are going on a trip to Williamsburg in May. I'm excited for that! From sixth grade through my sophomore year, I was in band, first playing clarinet, and then flute. Band was a lot of dedication, but it was a blessing- through it, I met a lot of my friends and made countless memories.

My life is extremely busy! Sometimes I feel like I never have time to sit down and relax. Because of two advanced classes, two AP classes, and a few extracurriculars, my schedule is always pretty full. But being busy is something I enjoy- I'm an only child with no cousins, so it can be difficult to create activities by myself at home. However, only children are magical in their own respect.. I might get lonely, but I never get bored!

Well, I think this has been a good start! [:

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