Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Christmas!

First of all, my finished Christmas cookies:

Mission accomplished!!

Christmas morning, we opened presents at home, then went to visit my mom. My mom has had Multiple Sclerosis since i was six years old, and she has lived in a nursing home for about two years (which is why I love with my aunt and uncle, 25 minutes away from my school). I knitted her a green scarf and we got her earrings and other things. It's hard for her to open presents because she can barely use her hands, much less her legs, but I still wrap stuff. She can do it- she just needs someone to challenge and believe in her.

That's my mommy! She's wearing her presents. We also got her a memory foam pillow, it's awesome. I love her.

I also love Paula Deen. Everyone who knows me knows this; when one of my best friends, Kasey, gave me this cookbook for Christmas, it just made my whole year. I'm reading it through like a chapter book (because I am compulsive and that is just how I work), and I am on page 245 of 455. Thanks, Kasey!!

And for now, that's all I've got. Volunteering at our church's Bible school for eight hours today tuckered me out. Goodnight!!

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