Sunday, December 18, 2011


The past week of my life has been dominated by knitting. I have knitted during class, during church, during meals.. my knitting is currently sitting on my leg right next to me.


I learned to knit a little while ago and just started taking it a bit more seriously. For Christmas, I decided to make, rather than buy, a lot of my presents for friends and family. And knitting is something I already know how to do. Easy, right? Not always. For me, it's not difficult- just pretty time consuming.

But the end result is so worth the effort! Over time, I've learned to use wide needles rather than thin ones, because the project goes so much faster. Also, I use thick yarn (like the kind you would make things for babies with) because it is super soft and also helps the project go quickly.

Currently, I only know how to knit scarves. I have one down, one halfway done, and one to work on and finish by Christmas (which is in SEVEN DAYS!). Maybe I'll learn how to do something else over break.

Or maybe I'll do my homework.

... Or maybe I'll knit instead.

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