Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

There are NINE full days until Christmas! I finally feel somewhat prepared. 98% of my gifts for my friends and family are bought, half are wrapped and under the tree.. I'm almost done with the first scarf I'm knitting, then there is a second one to make.. three blankets are made with two to go.. ingredients for cookies were bought today at the store..

Yep. I think I'm doing pretty well for myself!

Christmas is such an exciting time of year. I love it. But in Ohio, our winter doesn't really start until like, February. How backwards is that?! Actually, today I didn't even need to wear my coat. It was almost sixty degrees outside. It's like Christmastime in Texas or something.

Maybe that was hyperbolic. Oh well.

In other news, I went out to lunch today with my aunt and her friend Chrissi to this restaurant called Jojutlas. It is new and Mexican; Chrissi knows the owner. My church was having a fundraiser there, and we all like to try new things, so we went. It was amazing!! I got salsa and queso and shrimp tacos. I love Mexican food.

Today was also day five of Christmas shopping.. I got a $60 sweater for $18!! Good deals are fabulous, I could shop all day, every day.

Time to be productive! :]

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