Saturday, January 21, 2012

The "Brutal Truth" About Me

Okay, so I haven't exactly been on my blogging game. I'm fixing that right now!!

My former youth pastor's wife has a blog that I love and read all the time. She was interviewed by another blog for a "brutal truth" survey, telling things about herself that she might normally not. It's intended to give blog readers insight into their blogger.

So, here we go!


What's your greatest weakness?
My greatest weakness is emotion. Anger and depression really like to ruin my whole day sometimes. It's gotten better recently, but there are days that I want to do nothing but lay in bed and cry.

What's your greatest strength?
My greatest strength is my intelligence. I have always been extremely mature, and I think everything through. I'm pretty compulsive, and I like to consider the consequences of my potential actions. I know how to get where I want to go.

What has emotionally crippled you in your lifetime?
This sounds so stupid, but a breakup. My only breakup. We were young and we were each other's worlds. Maybe that's not healthy, but that's how it was. When our relationship ended after a year, I had lost my best friend and my other half. I didn't know how to function for a very long time, and to this day, it can still be hard. I went through a lot of depression and loneliness, which is why I got my tattoo. God was the only thing that got me through that time. I definitely had to change a lot about my life in order to find myself again.

What has elated you with joy in your lifetime?
The most joyous moment I have ever had in my entire life.. was at a football game. I go to a pretty big football school, and we have had a very intense rivalry with another local school (the only high school rivalry bet on in Las Vegas!) for over 100 years. At our last game, we were down by four points, with about 20 seconds left on the clock. It was my senior year; we scored the winning touchdown with NINE seconds left. I have honestly never felt more instantaneous joy than I did in that moment.

How much have you evolved since your teenage years? Are you a similar person?
Well, I'm still a teenager. This is made obvious by some of my truthful responses to the previous questions.. I still have a lot to figure out. But I'm on my way!

What's something you don't want to tell us about?
After that breakup I mentioned, I thought way too much about suicide. Nobody takes it seriously because nobody but God really knew how much I suffered. For months. I'm good at acting when I want to hide something. It's scary to think that I could have ended my life.

When the world is crashing down on you, where do you go?
God. Praying is the only thing that can make me feel as if everything will ultimately be okay, because it will be. God knows what He's doing.

Do you have any goals? What are they?
Of course! I want to become a midwife and open my own birthing center, marry the man of my dreams, have a house full of children and a healthy and happy life overall.

Can you honestly say you love what you do?
Sometimes. I'm in the transition process at the moment! College is on its way.

Who has been the single most influential person in your lifetime thus far?
My mom. She has MS and lives in a nursing home now. I've seen her go through so much, and we've gone through so much together. She is absolutely my rock and best friend.

Honestly, we are all striving for something, what is your greatest goal in life?
To become a mother. I really want babies!

What has been your most defining moment?
My most defining moment.. being team captain of the MS Walk team last year. We raised almost twice our goal and my mom and I were in a local newspaper. It made me realize that I can make goals, and not only achieve them, but exceed them. 

Are there people in your past that you wish you could make amends with? 
Not really. Although I've been thinking about my biological father lately.

What memory will be forever burned in your mind to the point where you can smell the room and feel the energy?
The first time I spoke in tongues. My first kiss. Getting my first job. The breakup. The day I passed my driver's test and got my license. Getting my tattoo.

What movie and or book speaks to you? 
Everything makes me cry; that can be a good or bad thing. I like to read. I just read Bristol Palin's autobiography and LOVED it. I also read The Help, and it was life-changing. 

What is your greatest wish right here and now?
My greatest wish right here and now? An iPhone 4S. Yep, I'm still a teenager. :]

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