Monday, September 3, 2012

The Power of Prayer

I love my mommy. I am an only child and a total mama's girl. Now, my mom has had Multiple Sclerosis since I was six years old. It's a progressive disease and, even though it isn't fatal, ultimately you're bedridden. She's been living in a nursing home since the middle of my sophomore year of high school.

My mommy and I at my high school graduation

On Friday night, I got a call that my mom had been taken to the emergency room with a bladder infection. No big deal, right? Right. Well for some reason they ended up keeping her in intensive care overnight. That concerned me, but I figured they just wanted to observe her overnight.

What they failed to tell me was that this infection had gotten into her bloodstream. This gave her a condition called "sepsis", which pretty much means that your blood is poisonous and your body tries to kill the germs by heating itself up. This results in a major fever and super fast heart rate. The call I got Saturday morning was much different than the first: they didn't know what was going to happen. My mom's life or death was dependent upon how well she responded to this antibiotic, and at that point, she wasn't responding.

Well, I was an absolute mess. A complete wreck. Other than praying and asking people to pray for her, I had no idea what to do. My uncle came up to Kent and got me so that I could go and be with her. 

As soon as I got to the hospital, my breakdown continued. She was on oxygen, laying in bed looking so helpless with ice all over her. Her fever was 103 and she had not cooled down at all. As I held her hand and cried by her bedside, I prayed. It was like Jesus suddenly said to me,
"You know I can raise people from the dead, right? This is nothing. Ask and it shall be given to you."

So that's what I did. I put both hands on my mom and began to pray like I have never prayed before. I asked God to heal her in Jesus' name, and guess what?

He did.

Instantly, she went from red to her regular color, and an hour after being at 103, her fever was down to 99. This is not a coincidence whatsoever. God is so faithful; what He says in His word is so true. You just have to truly believe it.

The next day when I went to see her before coming back up to Kent, the oxygen tube was out and she was talking. Miracles totally happen!!

After her near-death experience; still smiling!
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
- Matthew 7:7

Sunday, September 2, 2012

College So Far..

Well, I've been at Kent State for two weeks tomorrow, and I have had some experiences already!

Some pictures of my dorm room! Unlike a lot of other freshmen, students in the Honors College have air conditioning and private bathrooms. Amenities are important to me. I'm a little high maintenance!

The fountain at night- it changes colors!

Convocation; pretty much the opposite of graduation. It was interesting to learn about all of the different school within Kent.

My best friend Lexi!

What I drew in anatomy class.. hey, I'm a nursing major, not an artist.
Our first football game was last Thursday, and we won! Actually, we even made it onto ESPN. One of our players ran the ball 58 yards.. in the wrong direction. So I am now a proud student of:

Kent Read
Kent Write
 Kent Remember What You Did Last Night
Kent Play Football

... State University!

Just kidding- I love college.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Church Camp

A couple of weeks ago, I went to church camp with a bunch of girls in my Bible study, in the middle of the woods in Pennsylvania:

Nono really didn't want me to leave!

We slept on the bus..

Look at all of this luggage- it was crazy.

The week was pretty awesome. Lots of fun times with my friends, old and new; and of course lots of time worshiping God! That right there is the best thing ever. We played sports and encouraged each other all week; our cabin even won the "Camp Champion" award!


Some of my crazy and gorgeous friends!

Our cabin, which was SO cozy- look at those Christmas lights!

Praise and Worship :]

Celebrating our win with a pizza party

The morning to leave came and I was anxious to get home. Camp ended on a Sunday, and I moved in to my dorm at Kent on Monday morning. With that in mind, imagine how awesome life was when the bus broke down?

Happy dancing as the blue school bus came to save us.. four hours later!

Fortunately, we all had a pretty good time with being stranded together. I got home and, exhausted as I was, managed to get all of my things together and packed.

After church camp, I was ready to conquer college.